Suis-je à risque de diabète ?

When to get tested?

If you have symptoms of diabetes:

  • urinate very frequently,
  • have excessive thirst,
  • extreme hunger,
  • blurred vision,
  • a lack of energy and significant fatigue

From 40 years old,
if risk factors are present:

  • obesity,
  • hypertension,
  • family history of diabetes ...

it is strongly recommended to carry out a test to know if one is at risk of type 2 diabetes

After 50 years:

it is recommended that you take a blood sugar measurement (that is, the blood sugar level). If this assessment is normal, it is necessary to repeat it every 3 years.

For women who have developed diabetes during pregnancy (gestational diabetes) or who have given birth to a baby weighing more than 4 kg:

the measurement of blood sugar, that is to say the blood sugar level, should be carried out every year from the birth of the baby.

How to get tested?

Diabetes screening is done by measuring blood sugar, that is, blood sugar, twice every few weeks.

Where to get tested?

The blood sugar measurement can be done:

  • Either in the laboratory where a blood test will be taken
  • Or at home with rapid diagnostic devices

Laboratory measurement is the most reliable and most accurate. 

Who to consult if I have diabetes?

If the diagnosis of diabetes is confirmed, you should immediately go to a doctor who is a specialist in diabetes (endocrinologist - diabetologist) who will start taking charge of the disease.

How to read the result of your blood sugar test?

If fasting blood sugar (without eating or drinking in the past 8 hours):

  • is <1.10 g / l:  this blood sugar level is said to be normal, you do not have diabetes.
  • is ≥ 1.10 g / l and <1.25 g / l: you are in a pre-diabetes situation. You are not yet diabetic but your blood sugar is already a little high. It is essential to resume or practice regular physical activity and if necessary lose weight while installing an annual blood sugar monitoring.
  • is ≥ 1.26 g / l and <2 g / l: the first blood sugar level is positive. Your doctor will prescribe a second measurement the following week which will confirm or not the diagnosis of diabetes. If this second blood sugar is again ≥ 1.26 g / l, diabetes is confirmed.


If the random blood sugar level, that is to say a blood sugar level carried out at any time of the day (whether on an empty stomach or not):

is directly ≥ 2 g / l: diabetes is immediately confirmed without the need for a second control blood sugar.

The test

Type 2 diabetes is an increasingly common disease worldwide.

By answering 8 simple questions,it is possible to determine the likely risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the next 10 years.

Ce test appelé le « score Findrisc ou Finnish Diabetes Risk Score » a été établi par l’Association Finlandaise du Diabète. Il est aujourd’hui l’outil le mieux validé internationalement et est recommandé, pour repérer les personnes à risque de diabète, par de nombreuses autorités de santé comme par exemple par la Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) en France.